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Hip Repair and Replacement Surgery

intertrochanteric fracture repair

Hip Repair

Hip fractures can be caused by trip and falls, and are more common in people who have weakened bones (osteoporosis) or are likely to fall more often due to balance or mobility issues (the elderly). Depending on the location and type of fracture,  a condition of the hip and age of the patient, then a total hip replacement may be performed instead of repair.

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Hip Repair & Replacement Surgery

Our detailed medical drawings of hip repair and replacement surgery comprise an excellent visual guide to hip problems and techniques of repair and replacement of the hip. Our illustrations are ideal for websites, promotional material, and educational purposes and to explain procedures and problems to patients.

There are three types of hip fracture with each involving a fracture in a different part of the hip: Intracapsular fracture, intertrochanteric fracture and subtrochanteric fracture.

There are many different ways of repairing a hip; the technique used depends on location and severity of the fracture. Most cases involve using plates and screws or rod to repair the fracture.

Hip Replacement

Subcapital hip fracture repair

If the hip is damaged (by a fracture) or worn out beyond repair, then a replacement is usually performed. Conditions that can lead to wearing of the hip include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and bone dysplasias.

During surgery, the existing hip joint is completely removed and replaced with a prosthesis. The prosthesis can be made of plastic, metal or ceramic material, or a combination of the three types. Once the prosthesis is in place, it can be held in place by either acrylic cement or by creating a rough surface to encourage bone to grow around it and create a strong and long-lasting bond. This last technique is more common in younger patients. 

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Hip Repair & Replacement Surgery