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Image Licensing FAQs

We aim to provide you with the very best resources and medical images that you can reply on. Our approach is different to other stock & rights managed image providers so you may have some questions. The most frequently asked ones are below:

Can your images be used for anything?

No there are restrictions on what you can do with the images. We license the medical images on the basis of type of use. Therefore if you license an image for marketing purposes you can only use that image for marketing purposes, although there are lots of different way you might use the image for marketing, such as in a brochure or on a promotional website. Some images are not available to license for certain uses because that is what we have agreed with the artist / image copyright owner. These are highlighted on an images page and the use will not appear as an option in the license chooser dropdown. None of the images can be used to create products from, such as poster and t-shirt to sell. If you want to use an image in this way you need to contact us.

Why have you got those 6 License Types?

We decided to take a fresh approach to licensing medical images. We decided that the most equitable way of licensing images was to do it on broad licensing categories. For example if you are wanting to use an image to market a healthcare product you are going to need to use it in printed materials and online these days. We didn't think that it was right that you would have to buy two separate licenses for this as some rights managed providers make you do. At the same time we want to ensure our contributing artists that are all certified medical illustrators have their high level of skills and abilities valued. We think that the six license types are clear and help you make the right licensing choice for your needs.

Your images seem expensive to license?

We don't think that they are, in fact we know that our medical image licenses are very competitive for the quality of the images that are provided by the talented contributors that we have on the site. Ours are perpetual use licenses and they cover broad usage categories which makes them very cost effective against other rights managed options. In terms of cheap stock images that are available online we believe that quality companies would rather pay a little more to license an image from a certified medical illustrator than risk the cost and embarrassment of buying a cheap image that isn't by a professional medical illustrator who understands anatomy and pathology. Do you want to risk it?

Do I have to renew the license periodically?

If you are using the same image for the same purpose you don't need to renew the license as they are perpetual. Do note that if you need to use the license for a different project or different usage type you will need to buy a separate license for that project / use.

How are the images protected from unauthorised use?

All of the images that we have on the site, both preview and the downloads, are digitally watermarked with a technology that allows tracking of their use. This watermark is not visible but we can track their use - we don't go into the detail of this system for obvious reasons. In order to protect the artist's and our business we will take action against anyone who uses an image in any way that falls foul of our T&Cs. Preview images are also visibly watermarked to discourage unauthorised use, please respect copyright and the investment of time and skill that our contributors have put into the creation of these images.

 What formats are the image files provided in?

Typically the Small & Medium are provided as JPEGs in RGB color mode and the Large and above are provided as TIF files in CMYK color mode. You can read more about the sizes on our licensing information page.

How do I know what size to buy? 

If you want to use an image in print you need more pixels that to use it online because the resolution is higher. For print you can measure the space you want the image to fill in inches and then multiply by 300 and this will give you the minimum number of pixels you need. For use on screen it is not so easy to measure and multiply because there are now higher resolution screens. Ask your web developer or designer how many pixels the image needs to be. Remember