About us
Why the Medical Stock Images Company was Created
The Medical Stock Images Company was founded with the view to enhance the quality and availability of stock medical illustrations and medical imagery that organisations of all types could rely on. The medical illustration catalog is thousands of images strong now, and have all been created by Dr Joanna Butler (nee Culley) over the course of her long career as a certified medical illustrator.
Only Illustrations Created by a Certified Medical Artist
The Medical Stock Images Company only has available images for licence that have been created by Dr Joanna Bulter, a certified medical illustrator. This provides our customers with the highest level of reassurance when using our images. To trust purchases that play a vital part when used in medical and health related communications. Why compromise with medical stock images that may not have been created by a certified medical artist!
Ethical Approach to Business
Our ethical approach to business extends into our charitable donations. Instead of donating ad hoc charity donations we are committed as a business to donate a minimum 1% of our turnover each year to environmental charities. This is certified by our membership to the 1% for the Planet Organisation - onepercentfortheplanet.org. So far this charity has achieved amazing things and raised more than 100 million dollars.
Joanna & her business partner have been making donations via 1% for the Planet since the business foundation in 2015. Through this company, and the others within the group, Dr Butler has donated more than £80,000 to environmental courses. The goal to increase these donation year on year. Donations have supported a range of environmental campaigns from funding rhino and elephant anti-poaching patrols, turtle conservation, orang-utan protection, elephant orphanage support to supplying special anti-snare collars for the endangered African Wild Dog. And in the UK supporting the conservation, welfare, protection of wildlife such as the dormouse and the great crested newt.